I work with a lot of talented, albeit humble people. They do great things, and then they seem to have achievement amnesia when the time comes to sing their own praises. As a result, we’ve been having conversations lately about building your own brand and sharing your story. One of the most important things we’ve discussed […]
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Stephanie’s Broccoli Salad
Every year for Easter, one of our neighbors always makes this tasty broccoli salad. Since I couldn’t be home for Easter this year, she was kind enough to share the recipe. I hope you like it as much as I do! Stephanie’s Broccoli Salad 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup sugar 2 Tbsp apple cider or […]
Arizona Compound Cocktail
While my sister and her boyfriend were visiting back around Halloween, we came up with an amazing twist on the classic mimosa. Because of a running joke about us all buying property out in the desert and building a compound together, we have named this drink the Arizona Compound. Enjoy! Ingredients: Prosecco Whipped Cream […]
Quick Keto-Friendly Curried Cauliflower
The boyfriend and I are flirting with the ketogenic diet. It’s super low carb, moderate protein, and high fat. He has a two week headstart on me. It’s worked really well for him so far. I started eating keto yesterday. So far, I had a hiccup when I left my cheese stick snacks at home […]