Here we are in Al-Azhar Mosque/University, which is arguably the oldest university in the world. All of the girls had to wear head scarfs and a few even had to put on galabiyyas there. Crossing the street in Cairo is definitely an adventure! Occasionally the classrooms where we teach flood with water, so we have […]
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Funny things in/about Egypt
So over the past few months here, I’ve experienced some things that just make me stop and think “Did that really just happen?!”. And after a few weeks of careful research using only the most up-to-date scientific methodology, I have compiled a list of Egyptian Oddities. So without further ado, The List: – Usually in […]
Library of Alexandria
I’m in the Library of Alexandria! It’s not the same one that Cleopatra was in, it’s about 200 meters away from the site of where the old library was before it was destroyed. This is by far the most beautiful library I’ve ever been in. It’s a library and museum at the same time. It […]
Off to Alexandria!
Today was the last day of our work at St. Andrews. We had a celebration for the students. Of course, being the way things are here, the classrooms were flooded with water and the pizza we ordered showed up 45 minutes late. I’m exhausted from the past few days (being sick yet again), so I’ll […]