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Egypt, Travel

A few random notes

I will be on US soil in less than 24 hours!!!!!!! I am more excited about this than I think I have ever been in my life! I just can’t wait. So I’ve been carrying around a notebook with me here in Cairo, writing down all sorts of thoughts, quotes, and questions that I’ve had […]

Egypt, Travel

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas

So a few weeks ago, in a moment of sheer lunacy, I wrote a little diddy. It just happens to be to the tune of a well-known Christmas carol. I’m pretty certain that not all of my lines actually fit into the song, but you’ll have to give me a break. It was over 100 […]

Egypt, Travel

Countdown til America!

Here it is, less than a week left in Cairo, and I am oh so ready to come home. Although this has definitely been a summer to remember, I’m ready for it to be over. I’ve already packed most of my belongings, save for the things I will need in the next few days. Given […]

Egypt, Travel

A few photos from this summer

Here we are in Al-Azhar Mosque/University, which is arguably the oldest university in the world. All of the girls had to wear head scarfs and a few even had to put on galabiyyas there. Crossing the street in Cairo is definitely an adventure! Occasionally the classrooms where we teach flood with water, so we have […]