So tonight I had a craving for some of the same lentil soup that we ate at St. Andrews last summer. For some reason, this soup is so absolutely delicious even though it’s ridiculously cheap and easy. I liked it so much that I got the recipe for it while I was in Cairo. So […]
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Well, it could have been much, much worse.
So I’m pretty much done with finals week. I finished a 3 hour Arabic exam in 90 minutes this morning. I think that I must have looked like a crazy woman while I was doing it. I had heard that the exam was long and so I was working as quickly as I could while […]
Finals week!
Well, it’s that time of year again… It’s finals week. For the first time that I can remember, my finals week doesn’t seem like it will be too bad. I only have 1 exam, 1 short paper, and 2 projects due. I have already written the paper, one of the projects is 98% done, the […]
Books I should probably read
As it is probably very evident, I LOVE making lists. So in the theme of lists, here is my latest list: Books I probably should read, reread, and/or finish reading: – Cairo Trilogy by Naguib Mahfouz – The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright – Orientalism by Edward Said – The Life of Pi by Yann […]