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Recipes, Snacks

Smoky Habanero Beef Jerky

I came up with a recipe to combine two of my favorite things: beef jerky and El Yucateco Black Label Reserve chile habanero hot sauce. While the ingredients look like this will pack a big, spicy punch, I promise that it’s only medium spicy. Lots of folks have opined on techniques for making beef jerky. […]

Entree, Recipes, Soup

Chicken or Turkey Tortilla Soup

There many types of chicken tortilla soup types and they can be made as simply or complicated as you’d like. It all starts with the broth base, and there are a few directions you can go: poultry broth, tomato, creamy, and a few other variations I can’t think of right now. I’m a fan of […]

Recipes, Side Dish

Wheat Berry Kale and Carrot Salad

I’ve been gardening throughout the pandemic as a way to stay busy at home and reduce my need to go grocery shopping. There have been lots of trials and errors, and now I’m hitting my stride where things are growing really well. Who knew that eggplants and peppers can be perennials here in the Phoenix […]

Recipes, Sauce, The Rest, Whole30

Whole30 Round 2 Week 2

By this point in my second round of Whole30, I feel surprisingly good. I had a bit of a FOMO moment on Saturday at a baby shower. I planned ahead. I ate beforehand and had emergency snacks in my purse. Things were going well until the cupcakes appeared. These stinkin’ adorable cupcakes from a local […]