Author: Becca

Egypt, Travel

The Real Deal

I realize that I sometimes sugarcoat the details of my life here in Cairo. And given my lovely (read: not so great) day today (due to food poisoning), I think I should outline the lowdown of our life here. Things that are/were broken in our apartment: – Electricity in half our apartment …including my bedroom… […]

Egypt, Travel

I Love Leggings!

I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been very busy. This week we had the usual stuff: teaching English and learning Arabic. Plus, we visited more tourist sites in Cairo (Coptic Christian Cairo, Al-Azhar University/Mosque, Al-Hussein Mosque, Khan al-Khalili, etc…). Also, I went to Resala (an orphanage) and taught a First Aid course to […]

Egypt, Travel

The Real World: Cairo

Cairo is unlike anywhere I’ve ever been. There are just a few facts of life here that are very different from what I am used to. 1. Real time is not Cairo time. When someone says, “Let’s meet at 10am,” he really means “Let’s meet at 11 or later.” In Cairo, time is more subjective […]

Egypt, Travel


Today we went on a window shopping expedition! Brooke (a professor from AUC) led us to the best, nearly-impossible-to-find merchants. In the Khan, it’s easy to be dragged into the tourist trap, but Brooke knew exactly where to take us, and we avoided nearly all hassles by salespeople. If you want anything at all from […]

Egypt, Travel

Imperialist Egypt

Coming to Cairo has been a definite lifestyle adjustment for me and, I assume, most of my teammates.  Cairo is such a strange place to me that after 2 weeks I still do not quite know what to make of it.  Cairo is a modern city, but only in the sense that it was not […]

Egypt, Travel

New York Times Article

I just found an article on the New York Times that could not be any more true!

Egypt, Travel

I Have A Bed!!!!!!

I finally have a bed!!!!!!!  It has been 8 days since I have slept in a bed. The funny thing is… The bed was installed while I was in class and they put it in the wrong room.  So now, my bed is stuck in a tiny room with another girl’s bed and stuff, and […]

Egypt, Travel

It’s been a while…

I just don’t know where to start or what to talk about in this post.  The past few days have been ridiculously intense and not the best of days. So I still don’t have a bed.  And I haven’t slept more than 6 hours per night.  Supposedly I will have a bed tonight.  But I’ve […]

Egypt, Travel

The Cairo Diet

After only a few days, I have come to the conclusion that Dr. Atkins had it all wrong.  Instead of some new fad diet like we have in the US, people who want to lose weight should just come to Cairo.  It’s not that the food is any healthier than what we have in the […]

Egypt, Travel

I Have Cankles

I noticed that my feet were a little swollen after the flight yesterday.  However, it took until this morning for my ankles to swell up to the size of… um… something much bigger than ankles.  My feet look like two loaves of bread rising out of the pan.  Right now I’m laying down with my […]