Prepping for take-off

So here it is, 3 days before I leave, and I haven’t packed a single thing.  I estimate that I will be up all night Sunday night packing for my flight early Monday morning.  Hopefully, packing won’t be too bad.  I just need the normal stuff: clothes, tooth brush, toilet paper, head scarf.  Nothing too bad.

I received the best and most interesting advice regarding stuff I should bring:
– A power strip to plug into the adapter/converter.  Now I’ll have 6 outlets instead of only one.
– A ring to wear on that finger.  Apparently this keeps down some of the heckling from men.
– Sunblock.  It is nearly impossible to find in Egypt and it’s only every SPF 8 or lower.
– Bug spray.  No brainer.
– Cash.  Get cash here in the US to avoid all of those pesky fees abroad and then exchange it there.
Anyway, I’m off to do more procrastinating before I go.